Friday, October 16, 2009

Stay warm this weekend!

I was feeling sorry for myself while watching the weather forecast this morning because tonight's low is 40 tomorrow will be my first run of the year in winter clothes. Then I remembered the Nor'easter hitting the northeast this weekend. Stay warm and dry, girls!

I stopped by the running store last night to pick up some gear. I got some black cherry Shot Bloks for tomorrow's long run. Then I realized that I needed a place to put them. Since my training group puts out water during our long runs, I don't have a fuel belt. The idea of attaching something to me that will jiggle up and down for 9 or 13 miles sounds really awful, so the guy at the running store recommended a Spibelt. (I think the belt pictured in the link is the one I got, but I only paid $20.) It's really low-profile, and the pockets are expandable. He said it's one of their most popular packs. So, we'll see how it goes tomorrow!

Tessa, have you submitted your comps yet? Congratulations or good luck as the case may be! :) You are a superstar and are that much closer to a Ph.D.!!


  1. So how did the Spibelt work? And how were the Shot Bloks? We've had some crazy weather here in NH....raining, snowing (just flurries, really), but then days where I ran with a fleece & mittens & yesterday it was in the 60's again. Confusing weather!

  2. Our weather has followed the same trend, except 10 degrees warmer. Today is a beeeeautiful day, sunny and in the low 70s. (Too bad I'm stuck at work...bah humbug!)

    I've been meaning to post a review of the gear, but I'll just do it here. I liked the Spibelt a lot. It didn't bother me at all, and the pockets are really stretchy to accomodate lots of things. I would highly recommend the Spibelt if you need to carry stuff but not water. (If you need to carry water, there are fuel belts or water bottles with straps to wrap around your hand. I am lucky that my training group puts out water so I don't need to carry it!)

    As far as the "fuel" (i.e. carbs): My running group had samples of sports beans for us to try on Saturday. So I started with those, eating 3-4 beans per mile. I'm not sure how many you're "supposed" to eat, but it seemed good to me except that I ran out after six miles! Anyway, the sports beans are just like Jelly Belly jelly beans (except with electrolytes, and maybe some other stuff?). I think mine were berry flavored. They tasted good and didn't bother my stomach at all. My only issue was that they stuck to my teeth, so I had to use my tongue to get them out of my teeth. Kind of annoying.

    So, after six miles I had gone through all the sports beans. (I know, I'm a glutton!!) So I started on the Shot Bloks, eating one each at 6, 7, and 8 miles. I liked these a lot. The packaging is great because you can just pop one into your mouth from the end of the package (no fumbling around to grab one). They're like the consistency of gummy bears, and the black cherry flavor tastes pretty good. They're not as sticky as the sports beans, so I didn't have any issue with them getting stuck to my teeth. I think I'll use Shot Bloks for my next long run. 10 miles on Saturday!!
