Thursday, October 8, 2009

I have a running partner!

Hey girls,

How's the running & everything else going in everyone's life? Tessa - I hope you're not letting running stress you out even more than school. I'm sure you'll get through this busy & crazy time. We had an intern start working in our department a couple of weeks ago, and it turns out that she runs (mostly on her own). Our schedules finally jived today so we went on our 1st run together....& we ran for 57 minutes (so I'm hoping that's ~6 miles). We were able to talk some between the huffing & puffing, but it was really nice to have the company. Allan and I have run together a couple of times on weekends when we meet (this past weekend we ran on the carriage roads of Acadia National Park in Maine), but I'm glad to have someone here who is willing to run a couple/few times during the week! She works on most weekends, so I'm not sure if we'll be able to do the really long runs together. I ran last night at the gym on the treadmill & I ran 4 miles at a 9:40 pace (with zero incline of course!). I don't know if I'll run tomorrow and/or Saturday, but I'm running a 10K on Sunday....then I plan to run only longer runs than that each weekend between now & our race.

I feel like it's been a very productive week with booking the flight to Memphis (getting in ~1pm on Fri & flying out at 1:30 on Sun) it's actually real, we're going! We're running this race!! As for the t-shirts, I'm not sure...maybe silhouette shadows of us or something along those lines....a group of 4 people. Or something that has to do with WV, or with all of the states we're traveling from?? I'll have to keep brainstorming a little bit.

I actually booked a flight tonight to spend Thanksgiving (week before race) in Atlanta. Annette, will you be there or not? I'll likely make the trip to ATL between now & then too....I'm thinking about the last weekend of Oct...Halloween. Will you be around then? Let me know.

Well girls, sorry I've once again been sort of delinquent to this blog....I read it & then think...I'll write later...& then someone else always seems to re-post or comment before I say anything! I'm bad. As for the tights, I'll probably be wearing some really soon. Running skirts....yeah right!

Let the countdown begin.....


  1. Aww, you're coming to Atlanta for Thanksgiving? I'll be in Fairmont! We haven't solidified our travel plans, though, so maybe you'll get here before I leave. Either way, I will be here for Halloween, so save some time for me if you're in town then! (I'm running a 10 mile race that morning if you and Allan want to join...hehe!)

    That's great that you have a running partner. Running with someone makes the long runs go by faster. And four miles at a 9:40 pace? Girl, you are BLAZING fast! I could probably run a four mile race at a 9:40 pace, but that's fast for me! I'm going to be the straggler in the half marathon, and I've got no excuse with these long legs!

    No worries about being "delinquent" on the blog. I didn't mean for the blog to be a burden. Just keep in touch whenever you get around to it!

  2. If anyone is going to be a straggler in the half marathon, it's going to be ME!!! I'm as slow as a TURTLE!!!
