Saturday, October 10, 2009

Nutrition for running

My running group had a seminar on nutrition after our long run this morning. It got me thinking about my eating habits, and particularly about nutrition while running. I've never tried the gel/gu/shot blocks/sport beans. But I'm thinking that next week's nine mile run is a good time to start trying something! There are so many sports nutrition products that I'm a little overwhelmed by figuring out what to try first! Have any of you used any of these products before? Toni, I'm sure you used some during your marathon training right? Tessa?

The nutritionist said that as athletes (though I'm not sure I really feel like an "athlete"), we should be getting 55-60% of our calories from carbohydrates, 20-25% from protein, and the remainder from fat. That seems like very little fat to me! If I'm eating 2000 calories, that's only 400 calories from fat, which is 44 g of fat. When I mentioned this to Rob, he said I was probably eating more like 3000+ calories a day. I was aghast! No way I eat that much! Of course, I've never really counted calories (or even measured food), so who knows. I figure that I'm at a healthy, stable weight, so what's the point?

Speaking of weight, Rob mentioned that I look "leaner" lately. I was so proud that he noticed! I have managed to lose six pounds in the last month or two. I'm not really sure how--I haven't been dieting (see above, hehe). I think that me becoming aware that my weight was getting a little high made me think twice about how much food I put on my plate. So my pants are fitting much better these days :)

Anyway, back to nutrition, do you carbo-load before long runs? We actually went out to a bar last night (I only had one beer, hehe!) I had a shrimp gyro, salad, and French fries for dinner. Probably not the best pre-long run meal, but I feel like I'll be really sick of pasta if I eat it every Friday night for the next eight weeks! What do you eat after a long run? I was ravenous by the time our seminar ended this morning (I had been done running for 1.5 hours by the time I got home!) For breakfast, I had two eggs, two pieces of wheat toast, three pieces of bacon, and a small cup of oatmeal. I know, right?? The waitress was looking at me like I was an alien. A really hungry one! Hehe! Any other nutrition tips?


  1. I've been thinking about snacks while running too lately since we will be getting up into the higher mileage soon. I've tried the Goo, Shot Blocks, and Jelly Beans. Personally, I thought the Goo was gross!! I heard if you take it like you're taking a shot, it's better, but I don't really want to give it another you should really drink some water after you take it...kinda paste-y. I used the shot blocks the most on my long runs and during the marathon. I thought they were fairly good. Also, the jelly beans were fine...tasted like candy to me. People used to also carry Jolly Ranchers with them...not sure how much nutrition is packed in that. Also, people would get salt packets from fast food places and take those with water during the run. Have you tried the LUNA bars or any other energy bars? I thought most of the LUNA bars were good...of course, they are filled with fiber so you have to be careful with your bowels...if you know what I mean! wink, wink!
    To see what you like, I would buy one of each..shot block, Goo, jelly bean, etc and see what works best for you!

    Annette, I think your post-run breakfast of eggs, bacon, toast, and oatmeal sounds great. Filled with protein to help build back your muscles and good carbs to help your energy! Very yummy!

    I was thinking about starting a post with recipes that we find tasty and healthy! Perhaps that will be my next post! :)

  2. Wow Annette - it sounds like you learned a lot for just one nutrition seminar! Thanks for all of the tips. That post-run b'fast sounds delicious....although I've never been a big oatmeal fan. I've never tried any of the running foods/snacks, but I did get some of that gel in my race goody bag from the 10K I ran on Sunday. So I'll try it out & let you ladies know what I think.
