Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Time for Tights?

Hi All!

Just wondering what your opinions are regarding running tights? The weather here has been pretty chilly (in the 50s), and I'm thinking that shorts aren't going to work for much longer. I have one pair of capri running pants, but they are starting to wear out. What do you all recommend for chilly weather?
I do think this new weather change does help me to run for a longer period of time.

Thanks for your input!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

7 down, 6.1 to go!

Michele and I flew back from Cleveland on Saturday afternoon, so I missed my 7-mile run with my training group on Saturday morning. The weather was really crappy on Saturday, and it was Rob's birthday, so I didn't run at all. I got up on Sunday morning and did my 7-mile run and still made it to church at 11 am! (I know 11 isn't that early, but I was proud of myself! :) ) The run was nice--I felt good and kept up a pace just under 11 min/mile. That's pretty good considering that I ran the Peachtree Road Race (10K) at an 11 min/mile pace! The weather was great, too. I am so happy that fall is here!

I love to run through Piedmont Park when I do long runs on my own. It's about 3 miles from our house, so it's the perfect destination for a loop route. The neighborhoods between our house and the park are great to run through, too! When I was entering the park on Sunday, I noticed people running a race down the street I was crossing. I thought, "hmm, I didn't know there was a race today" and kept going. But when I got into the park, I quickly realized that I was running toward the finish line of the race! There were racers blowing by me and spectators cheering them on to the finish. I was like "crap, I've got to get out of here!" But everywhere I looked, there were racers! I was able to escape from the park without causing any apparent disturbance to the race, but the whole thing felt like it was out of a sitcom! I figured out from the race numbers that the race was the Atlanta Ekiden Relay, which sounds like it could be fun. (Except that it's six laps around the same 5 K course...I guess this eliminates the need for a van to transport runners, though.) The team captain instructions say "Please be aware of non-race participants as they may not know a race is going on." Haha, that was me!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Any updates from Cleveland?

Annette - I'm guessing you & Michele have made it safely to OH. How are things going so far? Let us know. Your family will be in my thoughts & prayers. Going to hit the streets of Cleveland for a run if you have time? I've been following a version of your schedule, although I've yet to run 5 or 6 miles...I think I've done 4.5 so far. Time to do more this weekend!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Keep it up, baby!

Sooo... I just got done with my Saturday long run and was inspired to post again finally! Funny story about the run: so, there I was, treading along, minding my own business on the Custis Trail, and these two guys walk toward me. They were wearing street clothes (its a popular running/bike trail, but some people also just use it to walk) and were clearly not working out. The one guy makes a cat call at me and is like, "Wooo cardio!!! Yeah! Keep it up, baby!" I wanted to be highly offended, but at the same time, it made me laugh. Because, despite how lame it was, I was being cheered on!!! haha. I have also had random people tell me to speed up while I am running and that has had a much more traumatic effect on my psyche while running. Of course in that moment you don't think to retort something along the lines of "I don't see you out there running..." but I was much too shocked to say anything. I guess that is just the problem with running in a city on major roads.... But bottom line is, I "kept it up" and did 6 miles today! woo hoo! It was definitely a very slooooow 6 miles, but I did it and was kinda proud.
This week I also did weight training and stretching for like the first time ever. I don't get it--I can run 5 miles and not be sore, but then I do 30 min. of stretching and can barely move the next day! I am going to try to keep doing stretching on Tues. and the elliptical on Thurs. for my cross training days. I normally do that in the mornings. Then on MWF I do my running. I might try to build in some speed work on the treadmill (I find it really easy to regulate on there) one day a week, but we will see. I think that speedwork is actually nice b/c it mixes things up a bit and makes it not so monotonous, but at the same time, its really hard to motivate myself to do it, and I am just not a speedy person.

One thing I have been meaning to ask you is this: we have all said we run with iPods, so what is your favorite music/song to run to?
I LOVE to run to the Mama Mia soundtrack (esp. Voulez-Vous!) and also really like Beck (E-Pro and Soldier Jane) and Guster. One of my other favorite songs is Get Back by the Beatles.
What about you girls? Also, should we start thinking about T-shirts??

big hug from DC and remember--keep it up, babies!

Friday, September 18, 2009

First interval run

I've been slacking a bit on running this week (starting last weekend at Davidson when I skipped my long run...oops!) I did make it to the gym last night to run intervals, though. It has been raining here all week...I am getting a bit tired of it (though I know better than to complain about rain in Atlanta!) I was hoping to squeeze in a run between bands of rain, but no such luck. After one lap around the outdoor track, I was already getting soaked, so I moved inside to the 1/8 mile indoor track. I ran around the indoor track 29 times. It kind of sucked! But I got my interval run in! Next up is a 6 mile run with the training group tomorrow. Hopefully the rain holds off in the morning!

I was just thinking about a Road ID--Toni, did you say you have one of these? I've never run with one before (heck, I don't even carry my cell phone, is that bad?) I'm thinking that since I'm going to be running longer distances, it might be a good idea...just in case.

Happy running to everyone!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Speed Up Or Pull Over!!!


I need some advice on how to run faster! I feel like a turtle could pass me at this point! It's almost like I'm in stuck in a certain pace, plus, I'm nervous about speeding up when I'm doing runs where I have goal mileage...i.e. 3, 4 miles because I'm afraid I'm going to tucker out if I speed up! Any thoughts on how I can pick up the pace but still maintain the mileage?? come I get side cramps and cramps behind my shoulder blades? I try not to eat for at least an hour or two before I run, but I still get cramps! I run through the cramps, but it's still a pain!

Oh, Tessa, I saw an article on plantar fascitis the other day. It suggested instead of rolling a tennis ball under your foot, get a frozen can of orange juice and roll it under your foot. Not only does the shape of the can help you to stretch out the fascia, but the cold helps the inflammation!--thought this was a good tip that I'll tell my patients some day---let me know if it works! Also, be sure to stretch your calves too!

Finally...I leave you with a little verse that we sang in church today...I thought it was fitting for our race:
We will run and not grow weary
For our God will be our strength
And we will fly like an eagle
We will rise again!


Saturday, September 12, 2009

Updates from NH!

Well is my long overdue update to our blog. So here goes....hmmm, where to start?! Anyways, it's been so great catching up with all of you at some point since June with Annette's visit to Maine/NH in June, then visiting with Tessa in DC in August, and then seeing Toni just last weekend in Fairmont over Labor Day! This is the first weekend in a month that I've actually been here in Manchester....after spending a weekend in Baltimore, then the following weekends in DC & then Fairmont. So as you may imagine, I haven't been totally motivated about running since I've been 'on the go' all the time. But I've tried to squeeze in running where I it's just time to start running longer distances than 3-4 miles. I ran a few times in Baltimore/DC while I was there, but I didn't do any running while I was at home for Labor Day. Allan & I kept having intentions of running, but it didn't happen....we did go to a spinning class with my mom at the FGH Healthplex, so hopefully that counts as cross-training!

So if it would stop raining here in Manchester, I have the whole weekend to get caught up & started with some serious training. It's starting to get cold here too....I wore a fleece to work a couple mornings this week & it's been in the 50's/60's. So fall is on the way & I guess winter is right around the corner. I've run two 5K's since May, but I probably should sign up for a 10K run to force myself to jump right into more miles.

Do you girls find that you have more energy when you run first thing in the morning or later in the day/evening? I'm just worried that once the clocks fall back an hour & as it gets colder & darker earlier, I might have to change my later runs to early morning ones. But I am so NOT a morning person as it is....this could be a lifestyle change....haha.

As for other updates, I really need to dust off the ole Ipod nano & get some new tunes on it. So I'll probably work on that this weekend too. I'm flying to NC next weekend to visit Allan, then my friend Holly from grad school is driving up from CT the following weekend to hang out here in NH, then my aunt & uncle are driving up to spend a week in Mass/Maine so I'll meet up with them the 1st weekend in Oct, then Allan will hopefully fly up here the following weekend (we get Columbus Day as a holiday up here....AKA Canadian Turkey Day....go figure). So I'm excited for all of my upcoming plans again, but I just need to make sure to keep on track with running even when I'm so busy. I've been loosely following a version of Annette's schedule & I haven't gotten the more condensed running schedule from Runner's World that Toni sent me yet. So I'll have to check that out soon & try to figure out a real plan.

I bought new shoes earlier this summer, but I already feel like they've lost their cushion-y feeling really fast. What shoes do you girls swear by? Have you gone to real running stores to let them really figure out what really works for you? Also, how soon before the race will you buy a new pair to break them in but still not have something considered worn out of the race? I should also probably get some of that Body Glide stuff too....good idea.

Valerie & I have been sending back & forth a few Facebook messages this week, and it sounds like she may be doing the race in Memphis too. She said some people from her church group in Nashville were already planning to do it & she's been joining them on some of their runs. So I don't know if she's registered or what, but it will be fun if she does it too. I think I'm really jealous of Annette & Valerie's running groups....wonder if it's too late for me to find one? Although the 1/2 & marathon here in Manchester is early any groups out there might be really advancing by now.

So I've been wondering a little bit about how this race will really work, since none of us have really trained together. Are we going to attempt to stay together? I'd probably prefer that, but I also don't want to hold anyone up who has a goal for a time, etc. Just curious. Right now, my only goal would be to run the whole thing & hopefully finish in less than 2.5 hrs. Also, I guess I'm most concerned about water stops & the need to use a porta-potty just before/during the race & I know Toni had mentioned some kind of gel snacks or something. I just feel so out of the loop when it comes to running tricks. When you've done longer runs, do you have any tricks for eating/drinking the night before or even just that morning of?

Well, that's all I can think of to write at the moment, but stay tuned for my "running story" that I've failed to write for so long. I plan to be more dedicated to this between now & the race! I seriously haven't fallen off the face of the earth.

Happy running!! :-)

p.s. Toni - when are you planning to book your flight? And Annette, you're sure that you don't mind picking us up in B' long as our flights are right around the same time?

Friday, September 4, 2009

Favorite running gear

Toni's comment to my last post got me thinking...what is your favorite running gear? Do you love your watch/iPod/running skirt? (That last one's for Tessa!)

I had heard great things about Body Glide, so I tried it for the first time a couple months ago. I haven't run long enough distances lately for chafing to be much of an issue, but I think that when I do, the Body Glide will be indispensable. I was a little embarrassed to ask for it at the running store, like I must be fat if I needed Body Glide, right? But the guy who worked there (typical runner's build--tall and lanky) said "oh, I love this stuff!" So I didn't feel so bad :)

I also like my iPod Shuffle a lot. Rob gave it to me for Christmas a few years ago, and it is great to keep me motivated on my training runs. I lost the charger last week, so I've been running without music all week while I wait for my new one to come in, and it's been pretty boring! I'm always thinking "how much farther?" I wish I were one of the people who went into a meditative "zone" (without getting hit by a car, hehe) while running. But if I'm alone and without music, my thoughts don't seem to keep me occupied.

So what's your favorite running stuff?