Sunday, September 13, 2009

Speed Up Or Pull Over!!!


I need some advice on how to run faster! I feel like a turtle could pass me at this point! It's almost like I'm in stuck in a certain pace, plus, I'm nervous about speeding up when I'm doing runs where I have goal mileage...i.e. 3, 4 miles because I'm afraid I'm going to tucker out if I speed up! Any thoughts on how I can pick up the pace but still maintain the mileage?? come I get side cramps and cramps behind my shoulder blades? I try not to eat for at least an hour or two before I run, but I still get cramps! I run through the cramps, but it's still a pain!

Oh, Tessa, I saw an article on plantar fascitis the other day. It suggested instead of rolling a tennis ball under your foot, get a frozen can of orange juice and roll it under your foot. Not only does the shape of the can help you to stretch out the fascia, but the cold helps the inflammation!--thought this was a good tip that I'll tell my patients some day---let me know if it works! Also, be sure to stretch your calves too!

Finally...I leave you with a little verse that we sang in church today...I thought it was fitting for our race:
We will run and not grow weary
For our God will be our strength
And we will fly like an eagle
We will rise again!



  1. As far as increasing speed, I have found tempo runs and interval training to be very helpful. However, most novice training plans I've seen do not include any speedwork--they're focused only on increasing distance. I think I have a good enough running base to incorporate some speedwork, so I am doing one speed workout per week, alternating between a tempo run one week and intervals the next.

    I decided that the training plan I originally showed y'all was a little higher volume than I need, so I'm backing off some of the speedwork. My tempo runs start at 3 miles, and my intervals start at 5 x 400 m (at 5K pace, which for me is about 2:21 for 400 m). If you start having any pain at all, though, speedwork should be the first thing to go. Really the main goal for a first half marathon is to finish!

  2. Amen to that, friends--I am not running for any PR time... I just want to finish!! Toni, don't worry... it took me well over an hour to run 6 miles today. I am not doing speedwork, but I am doing cross-training 2 x a week. I didn't do speedwork regularly the last time I ran a half, and it was just fine. Remember, too, I have super short legs so my little body does not move very fast to begin with!!! :)

    But, like Annette said, repeats or intervals are helpful if you DO want to work on speed. You could always do fartleks....haha. I just think that word is funny! :)

  3. ps. Thanks for the tip with the orange juice can! So far it hasn't started hurting yet, but I will keep it in mind. I have been stretching more lately, so I hope that helps.
