Thursday, July 23, 2009

Yoga in the park

I've done yoga a few times, but not recently, so I'm pretty much a beginner. After some suggestions from y'all that I give it another chance, I did yin yoga last night. This is the beginner class offered by the Atlanta Yoga Club in Piedmont Park. It's pretty cool to do yoga outside (except for the homeless man who tried to steal the attendance money!) The instructor was great, but I found the class to be pretty difficult. Some of the poses were really uncomfortable.

I think my trouble with yoga is twofold: (a) I am inflexible and (b) my core is weak. I was so confused last night, because we were in some complicated poses, and the instructor kept saying "notice if you have any tension in your shoulders, and let go of it." Same for abs, thighs, etc. I thought, if I let go of the tension in all my muscles, I'll fall on the ground! I was befuddled! And my shoulders do get very tight in some of the poses. (For example, downward dog. There are others that I can't remember.) I have a feeling that my abs and back muscles should be supporting me more, but they're not so thus the shoulder tension. Any input/advice?

The class was definitely good for stretching, which is good after a week of running and a little tiny bit of weight training. I think I'm going to try yoga again next week. Hopefully I'll get better at it after a few classes! For now, I'm off to Denver this afternoon for my good friend Lindy's wedding. Hope y'all are having a good week!


  1. Dear friends,
    So, I have this article clipped from a previous Runner's World issue and found it online.,7120,s6-238-263-266-13030-0,00.html

    I did the exercises on Tuesday along with some basic lunges, some sit-ups, a few pilates moves and some free weights for my arms. It's my "Curves at Home" workout plan! :) I was sore yesterday from it and am going to try doing it again today. I think a strong core IS really impotant for running, but goodness knows that is probably the weakest link in my body.
    As for the yoga--it should never hurt! I think it depends on the instructor and the type of yoga you're doing. I think its really good for breathing and enhancing flexibility though. It definitely takes a while to get used to. I wonder if there's something like that here in DC, too... hmmmm....

  2. Tessa, thanks for the core workout! I definitely need to try that, maybe tonight or tomorrow!

    I wouldn't say that yoga hurt last week--it was uncomfortable and awkward. I tend to feel a lot of tension in my shoulders and don't know how to get rid of it. (If I relax my shoulders, then I fall over!) Likely a core problem. Hopefully Lolo's core workout will help! :)
