Monday, July 20, 2009

Time to Shape Up!

Hello Ladies!

Well, I'm back from Hawaii and feeling the need to get my butt into gear for this race. Unfortunately, I did not do any running along the beautiful beaches of Kauai--such a slacker!

However, I wanted to post and make a commitment to y'all and myself that I will run at least 3 times this week! Eekk! I can't promise how long I will run, but I will do my best in hopes that this will get me started and ready for August to start serious training!

Also, regarding the strength training...I think it is a good idea. I've enjoyed yoga and do think it's a good form of strength training--especially "the core" as well as pilates! I've been thinking about getting back into the pool, so I may look into the local YMCA.

Adios for now. I'll keep you posted about the 3 runs this week!

1 comment:

  1. I've taken a couple of yoga and pilates classes at Emory. I didn't much care for the instructors. (I'm guessing the best yoga instructors don't teach at college gyms!) And classes at other gyms are really expensive.

    BUT! I recently read about the Atlanta Yoga Club ( They teach classes in city parks for only $5! Now I'm thinking about going to a beginner class tomorrow night! =) They meet in Piedmont Park, just a few miles from Emory. I'll let you know how it goes!
