Saturday, September 19, 2009

Keep it up, baby!

Sooo... I just got done with my Saturday long run and was inspired to post again finally! Funny story about the run: so, there I was, treading along, minding my own business on the Custis Trail, and these two guys walk toward me. They were wearing street clothes (its a popular running/bike trail, but some people also just use it to walk) and were clearly not working out. The one guy makes a cat call at me and is like, "Wooo cardio!!! Yeah! Keep it up, baby!" I wanted to be highly offended, but at the same time, it made me laugh. Because, despite how lame it was, I was being cheered on!!! haha. I have also had random people tell me to speed up while I am running and that has had a much more traumatic effect on my psyche while running. Of course in that moment you don't think to retort something along the lines of "I don't see you out there running..." but I was much too shocked to say anything. I guess that is just the problem with running in a city on major roads.... But bottom line is, I "kept it up" and did 6 miles today! woo hoo! It was definitely a very slooooow 6 miles, but I did it and was kinda proud.
This week I also did weight training and stretching for like the first time ever. I don't get it--I can run 5 miles and not be sore, but then I do 30 min. of stretching and can barely move the next day! I am going to try to keep doing stretching on Tues. and the elliptical on Thurs. for my cross training days. I normally do that in the mornings. Then on MWF I do my running. I might try to build in some speed work on the treadmill (I find it really easy to regulate on there) one day a week, but we will see. I think that speedwork is actually nice b/c it mixes things up a bit and makes it not so monotonous, but at the same time, its really hard to motivate myself to do it, and I am just not a speedy person.

One thing I have been meaning to ask you is this: we have all said we run with iPods, so what is your favorite music/song to run to?
I LOVE to run to the Mama Mia soundtrack (esp. Voulez-Vous!) and also really like Beck (E-Pro and Soldier Jane) and Guster. One of my other favorite songs is Get Back by the Beatles.
What about you girls? Also, should we start thinking about T-shirts??

big hug from DC and remember--keep it up, babies!


  1. Tessa, you crack me up. "Keep it up, baby!" Hehe! One of my most traumatic experiences running occurred when I was wearing a tank top that probably did not offer enough coverage for the "girls." I was crossing a neighborhood street, and this truck full of redneck guys pulls up to the crosswalk. I seem to have blocked out exactly what they said, but they were yelling at me and commenting on my chest. After that run, I never wore that tank top again!

    A funny story was when I was running through a part of town that's a little rough--homeless people like to sleep in the park, but I never feel unsafe running there. I stopped to wait for a traffic light to change, and another woman was waiting for the light to change too. She said, "don't stop running, aren't you supposed to run in place while you wait?" Then she demonstrated running in place. I don't normally run in place while I'm waiting at traffic lights (I consider them a brief rest!) but I ran in place with her on the corner. It was pretty amusing!

    As far as songs...I'm glad you asked this! My favorites are "How Far We've Come" by Matchbox 20 and "Hey Ya" by Outkast. The bonus on these two songs is that the tempo is right for running in time to the music (I guess my inner marching band nerd is coming out!) Other favorites are "Life is a Highway" by Tom Cochrane and "Start Me Up" by the Rolling Stones."

  2. You girls are too much---way to turn ackward situations in a positive, playful light!

    Songs on my MP3 player...(don't judge me)...Black Eyed Peas-Junk in the Trunk, I'm a Believer, Thong Song, Friends in Low Places, No Doubt-Just a Girl, Country Grammar by Nelly, Tootsie Roll, Sweet Home Alabama, Livin on a Prayer, Uptown Girl, Before He Cheats by Carrie Underwood...and much more...I try to run to fast paced songs that will keep me pumped up. I'm thinking about downloading some Taylor Swift songs and maybe the Miley Cyrus's Party in the USA---brings out my inner high school girl!

  3. Toni, I know you're thinking about Bryan Garcia when you listen to "Uptown Girl!" Or is it Bert Roberts? :)

  4. Definitely Bert and of course the Polands! :)

    And I thought I would share my ackward moment from my run yesterday...I was minding my own business...running along when I hear someone beep. Naturally I look up and to my amazement, a man in the driver's seat lifted up his shirt and showed me his man boob! GROSS!! Was I supposed to be impressed by his display...perhaps he thought it would make me run faster? All I know is that I was disturbed! :P Oh well...happy running!

  5. Toni, did you like the display? I bet you ran faster! Love, Leah

  6. ewwwwwwwwwww!!!!! I DEFINITELY would have run faster!
