Friday, September 4, 2009

Favorite running gear

Toni's comment to my last post got me thinking...what is your favorite running gear? Do you love your watch/iPod/running skirt? (That last one's for Tessa!)

I had heard great things about Body Glide, so I tried it for the first time a couple months ago. I haven't run long enough distances lately for chafing to be much of an issue, but I think that when I do, the Body Glide will be indispensable. I was a little embarrassed to ask for it at the running store, like I must be fat if I needed Body Glide, right? But the guy who worked there (typical runner's build--tall and lanky) said "oh, I love this stuff!" So I didn't feel so bad :)

I also like my iPod Shuffle a lot. Rob gave it to me for Christmas a few years ago, and it is great to keep me motivated on my training runs. I lost the charger last week, so I've been running without music all week while I wait for my new one to come in, and it's been pretty boring! I'm always thinking "how much farther?" I wish I were one of the people who went into a meditative "zone" (without getting hit by a car, hehe) while running. But if I'm alone and without music, my thoughts don't seem to keep me occupied.

So what's your favorite running stuff?


  1. I think my favorite running gear would have to be my hat. You can see a picture of it in my running story. I'm not even sure why I love this hat...but I do. I guess it keeps the hair out of my face, plus disguises me so others don't know it's me looking clumsy and goofy. Also, like Annette, I have to run with my MP3 player. The only way that I can keep running is to be distracted, and I think that's what listening to music does for me.
    Running has started to get a bit easier for me over the past week or so. I had a good run yesterday and signed up for a 5K this weekend to officially start my training! Woo hoo! My only problem is that I need to pick up the pace. I feel like I'm running a bit slow. We'll see!

  2. I would go with my shoes, actually! I got Mizuno's after my foot started hurting while training for the Cherry Blossom and I really love them. They are super light and so far (knock on wood!) my foot hasn't started hurting yet!

    I also couldn't survive on the treadmill without my iPod!
