Tuesday, September 29, 2009

7 down, 6.1 to go!

Michele and I flew back from Cleveland on Saturday afternoon, so I missed my 7-mile run with my training group on Saturday morning. The weather was really crappy on Saturday, and it was Rob's birthday, so I didn't run at all. I got up on Sunday morning and did my 7-mile run and still made it to church at 11 am! (I know 11 isn't that early, but I was proud of myself! :) ) The run was nice--I felt good and kept up a pace just under 11 min/mile. That's pretty good considering that I ran the Peachtree Road Race (10K) at an 11 min/mile pace! The weather was great, too. I am so happy that fall is here!

I love to run through Piedmont Park when I do long runs on my own. It's about 3 miles from our house, so it's the perfect destination for a loop route. The neighborhoods between our house and the park are great to run through, too! When I was entering the park on Sunday, I noticed people running a race down the street I was crossing. I thought, "hmm, I didn't know there was a race today" and kept going. But when I got into the park, I quickly realized that I was running toward the finish line of the race! There were racers blowing by me and spectators cheering them on to the finish. I was like "crap, I've got to get out of here!" But everywhere I looked, there were racers! I was able to escape from the park without causing any apparent disturbance to the race, but the whole thing felt like it was out of a sitcom! I figured out from the race numbers that the race was the Atlanta Ekiden Relay, which sounds like it could be fun. (Except that it's six laps around the same 5 K course...I guess this eliminates the need for a van to transport runners, though.) The team captain instructions say "Please be aware of non-race participants as they may not know a race is going on." Haha, that was me!


  1. Glad to hear you made it back from Cleveland. Sounds like you picked up right where you left off with your 7 mile run.....go Annette! Would love to catch up, so call me when you have time. By the way, Allan is in ATL for work from now until early Dec...I might be making a trip your way sometime in the near future. ;-)

  2. Yay, I hope you do come down! Be sure to make a little time for me if you do :) I'll be in town all the time except the weekend of Nov. 14, and Thanksgiving.
