Tuesday, July 28, 2009

You gals are such world travelers!

Annette - glad to hear you had such a nice time on your trip to Colorado....impressive that you squeezed in a run too!

Tessa - how does it feel to be back in DC? Busy semester ahead? I'll talk to you more about my plans for DC next month sometime soon.....phone date!

Toni - I loved your Hawaii pictures....can't wait to go there someday too!

So girls, I'm having trouble with keeping myself motivated to run....plus, our weather hasn't been the greatest lately (lots of rain for summer!). I haven't done much searching on possible running groups around here. I've been trying to run 1-3 times a week....but even still, I haven't done much more than 3 miles at any given time. I'm registered for another 5K on August 13th. Manchester has marathon/half-marathon & if I thought I could do the 1/2 as practice or be ready by then, maybe I'd consider it. But jeez, I feel like I'll be pushing it to be ready for the one we're running!! So what will be the maximum total miles that you'll run on any given day before the race? Right at 13 miles, or much above? I need to check out some schedules & try to stick to something. I've been pretty good about doing other active things...like making it to some of my favorite classes at my gym: zumba, total body, pump it (mostly weights), cardio combo, etc. I haven't done yoga or pilates in years, but my gym offers both. Anyways, I need to get into a routine of running & still being able to do my normal classes at the gym....but maybe less classes, more running!

Well, I hope to catch up with all of you soon.....happy running!!


  1. Jen, you'll be fine! People go from barely running at all to running a half marathon in four months. Besides, you kicked my butt when we ran together last month!

    I don't know what type of schedule I will get at my training group, but if I were training alone I would probably use Hal Higdon's novice or intermediate half-marathon training plan. Here's the novice plan: http://www.halhigdon.com/halfmarathon/novice.htm

    It's 12 weeks long, and you should be able to run 3 miles 3-4x/week before starting. See, you have plenty of time! The long run peaks at 10 miles, which I think is fine...most full marathon training plans peak at 20 miles. From seasoned halfers I've talked to, you can pretty much run on steam/adrenaline for the last 5K.

    I do have trouble keeping my workouts diversified while still getting enough running. Right now I'm trying to run 4x/week, strength training once a week, and yoga once a week. I'm having a little trouble fitting it all in, and I'd like to do spinning and swimming as well! Ack!

  2. Hey Jenn...
    I second Annette's comment and your's too! I'm having such a hard time getting motivated, but I know we can do it! =) For training, I'd say that my longest run will be around 11 miles or so. We will be trained enough that the last couple of miles won't be a problem the day of the race...at least I hope! :) PS...It's also raining here...constantly...ugh!

  3. Hey there ladies!
    For what it's worth, my two cents:
    When I ran my half marathon last year I never did the full 13.1 miles. The furthest I ran was 10 miles and that was about 3 weeks before the race. I tapered for those last weeks which is important, I think. It was a really cool feeling during the race after I hit mile marker 10 knowing I had never run further before in my life and that it was all or nothing....! Looking back at my calendar I think I was running about 25 miles a week leading up to the race. I think its good to have a plan, and its definitely most important to not skip out on your long runs. I think you can tailor your weekly runs/workouts to fit your schedule and your personal goals. I definitely know what you mean trying to fit it all in and to get motivated. I have been travelling around so much lately that I have not really had a set schedule and my workouts are suffering because of that!
